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Orlando Plastic Surgery Body Contouring

Body contouring refers to any procedure that alters the shape of different areas of the body. Goals may be achieved in one surgical session or may be more safely performed in stages depending on your overall health, the type and extent of procedures being considered along with the outcome from discussions and recommendations during the consultation process. 


Improvements to your body’s shape and overall image may be achieved by reducing excess fat and/or sagging skin and tissue.


Following a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight, and exercising consistently to maintain or attain a fit and healthy body are important contributing factors when it comes to an individual’s body image. However, heredity, changes in the body over time such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and even aging can result in a change in your body’s proportions and curves that may affect both your body image and self-confidence. Reshaping disproportionate curves or reducing unwanted fat cannot always be achieved through weight loss and exercise alone. Fitness and skin care have little effect on uneven contours or bulges as well as skin that lacks elasticity. Body contouring surgery can help many people reshape body features that cannot be improved by other measures. Body contouring can dramatically improve the shape and proportion of your body, enhancing your appearance and boosting your self-confidence.

Following a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight, and exercising consistently to maintain or attain a fit and healthy body are important contributing factors when it comes to an individual’s body image.


However, heredity, changes in the body over time such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and even


Body contouring refers to any procedure that alters the shape of different areas of the body. Goals may be achieved in one surgical session or may be more safely performed in stages depending on your overall health, the type and extent of procedures being considered along with the outcome from discussions and recommendations during the consultation process. Improvements to your body’s shape and overall image may be achieved by reducing excess fat and/or sagging skin and tissue.


Following a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight, and exercising consistently to maintain or attain a fit and healthy body are important contributing factors when it comes to an individual’s body image.


However, heredity, changes in the body over time such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and even


Body contouring procedures may include:



If you have questions about body contouring, or would like to request a consultation at Dr. Azad’s office in Orlando, please fill out the form below.

Orlando Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Model Image
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