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Increase or Restore Breast Size

Breast augmentation, also known as a boob job, augmentation mammaplasty, or breast enhancement surgery, increases or restores breast size using silicone gel implants/gummy bear implants, saline implants, or in some cases, fat transfer. One of the most popular and frequently performed aesthetic surgery procedures, breast augmentation,  has a long and successful track record in satisfying women who wish to enhance, regain, or restore balance to their figures.




Breast augmentation can increase the fullness and projection of your breasts, improve the balance of your figure, making it better proportioned, restore the size and shape of your breasts that have been affected by pregnancy, weight loss, or aging, restore symmetry if one of your breasts is smaller than the other, and enhance your self-image and self-confidence.


Costs for Breast Augmentation in Orlando, Florida


Breast augmentation does not correct severely drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a breast lift (also known as a mastopexy) can often be done at the same time as your augmentation or may require a separate operation. Dr. Azad will assist you in making this decision. If you have questions about breast enhancement or want to request a consultation at Dr. Azad’s office in Orlando, please fill out the form below.


Boob Job Orlando Slang - Breast Augmentation is often called a "Boob Job."  Dr. Azad understands this term but feels it lacks the genuine effort of the patient and his skills.  The Doc and the practice feel like this should not be work but a work of art!












Breat Augmentation Orlando - Procedure Model

Breast Augmentation Orlando Before & After Images

Breast Augmentation Orlando - Before and After Photos
Breast Augmentation Orlando - Virtual Results View


With Crisalix's imaging technology you can now see the new YOU in 3D!


Breast Augmentation Types

Many women have different reasons for getting a breast augmentation procedure. Whether it’s weight loss, weight gain, personal appearance, or feeling good after childbirth- there’s plenty of reasons to debate going under the knife for a breast augmentation. There are also different details regarding breast implants, type of implant, etc.

Types of Breast Implants

There are two most popular types of breast implants: Saline and Silicone. You and the surgeon will discuss which implant is right for you and the overall look you’re going for after your healing.  Schedule a consult with Dr. Azad.

1.  Breast Augmentation:  Saline Implants


Saline breast implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution and offer no risk to the patient in terms of extracapsular spread or silicone leakage. Saline implants are appealing to many because they generally cost less than silicone implants. In some patients, silicone may be a better option due to the rippling that may occur along the edges of the implant that can be visible in thinner women.  Read more about saline implants.


2.  Breast Augmentation:  Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are filled with a gel-like substance that feels like natural breast tissue. They’re ideal for thin or physically active women. These implants are designed that if they were to break or leak- the silicone gel interior will remain intact within the implant. Silicone implant defects are rare- but can be detected through MRI- unlike saline implants which will deflate upon rupture.  Read more about silicone implants.



















Implant details...

The implants come in two shapes- round and teardrop. Which shape you decide upon depends on the overall look you’re going for with your new breast shape and overall appearance. Round implants are meant to sit higher on the breast tissue- while teardrops are meant to mimic the look and feel of a natural breast. They come in both smooth and textured varieties. Where they are placed within the area of the muscle depends on where the surgeon determines aesthetically they will look best. This will also determine the type of incision made prior to implant placement.


Comparison of Silicone Implants and Saline Implants

The Popular Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation Implants

Gummy Bear implants are gel-based implants that are known to retain their shape better than other saline or silicone implant types. They’re known to give more volume to the breast without the extreme shape of other implants. The gel in these implants is thicker- allowing them to retain their shape better even after rupturing.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

You will be under general anesthesia for the procedure. Your surgeon will either make an incision below your areola, at the base of your natural breast, or between your armpit and your breast. Which incision your surgeon chooses will vary depending on the procedure you’re having done, your implant choice, size, etc. Your surgeon will then place the implant either underneath the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue and over the muscle. How the implant is inserted depends on many factors like the type of implant, degree of enlargement, and body type. The surgeon will then place sutures to close the breast pocket and close your incision with sutures, surgical tape, or adhesive.

Breast Augmentation Risks

There are risks with any surgery- and breast augmentation is no exception. Risks include, but aren’t limited to scar tissue forming at the incision site, breast pain, infection, changes in breast or nipple sensation, implant position change, and leaking or rupture of the implant. There’s also a risk of skin rippling, incision rupture, and other complications. Correction of these complications may warrant future surgery or even removal of the implants and re-implantation of a new implant. There is a possible association of breast implants with breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma. The FDA believes women with textured implants have a very low but increased risk of developing this type of cancer.


Breast Augmentation Surgery Preparation

You will have a consultation with your plastic surgeon regarding implant size, the overall look you want to achieve, and any concerns you may have prior to the procedure taking place. Before you have surgery- there are a few things to keep in mind. Breast implants do not prevent the sagging of breasts. If you are concerned about sagging breasts, you can speak to your surgeon about a breast lift in addition to a breast augmentation- which can be done in the same surgical procedure. Breast implants aren’t guaranteed to last a lifetime. This means the possibility of future augmentations to replace the implants. Insurance won’t cover the procedure. Talk to your surgeon about financing options, if available. If you opt for a silicone implant, the FDA recommends routine screenings every few years with MRI technology to check for implant rupture. You may need a mammogram before surgery to check for any cancer cells prior to your procedure. Post-op, mammograms may be more difficult due to the implants.

Breast Augmentation After Care

Follow all pre and post-op instructions from your surgeon and the surgical team. Stop all eating and drinking when told to prior to your procedure. Make sure someone can drive you home and assist in your recovery after the procedure. Keep your activity in the days and weeks post-op to a minimum. Try not to lift anything heavy- or risk opening your incision sites.

If you feel any pain or discomfort- take over-the-counter pain medication. Your doctor may prescribe pain killers as well. It may help after surgery to wear a compression bandage or sports bra for extra support. Talk to your doctor about resuming normal activities, like working out or anything strenuous after surgery. Many doctors recommend avoiding serious activity like working out or other related activities for six weeks after surgery. If you have sutures that aren’t dissolvable or you have a drainage port near your incision sites- you will need a follow-up appointment for removal a few days to a week after the surgery. Contact your surgeon if you have any symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain. You’ll need to arrange time off work to recover- as well as possible child care if you are a stay-at-home parent. If you take the prescription pain medication, it’s best not to drive while taking them. Have a reliable friend or family member drive you wherever you need to go post-op until you feel more comfortable or stop taking the prescription medications. Smoking can delay your healing process. If you do smoke- you may be asked to stop sometime before your procedure- and continue to abstain for some time after the surgery.

Breast Augmentation Costs

The cost can vary from surgeon to surgeon.  View Dr. Azad's Breast Augmentation Pricing.  Since it is considered elective- insurance will not cover the procedure. Costs will vary depending on the facility, hospital stay, etc. Complications from the procedure may also not be covered by insurance.  Financing options for Breast Augmentations. Breast augmentation is a common procedure. Many women go through the procedure and have lasting results that they are satisfied with. If you gain or lose weight, see changes with age or postpartum, you can always have additional procedures done to correct those issues. If more than one augmentation is done- there is a risk for scar tissue complicating the procedure. Talk to your surgeon before you decide to undergo an additional procedure.



Benefits and Applications of Augmentation


1.  Enhanced Human Performance


One of the coolest things about augmentation is that it can make us better, faster, and stronger. It's like being a real-life superhero, minus the cape (although, let's be honest, capes are overrated). From athletes looking for that extra edge to workers needing to perform physically demanding tasks, augmentation can help us push our limits and achieve feats we never thought possible.


2.  Medical and Rehabilitation Applications


Augmentation isn't just about turning everyday people into superhumans; it also has immense potential in the medical field. From prosthetic limbs that can restore mobility to brain implants that can help treat neurological disorders, augmentation is revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare and rehabilitation. It's like giving a high-five to medical science.


3.  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality


Who needs the real world when you can have a virtual one, right? Augmentation has given rise to mind-bending technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). With AR, we can overlay digital information onto our physical surroundings, while VR can transport us to entirely new worlds. It's escapism at its finest, minus the passport and the questionable airplane food.



Ethical Considerations in Augmentation


1.  Informed Consent and Autonomy


With great power comes great responsibility, and augmentation is no exception. As we push the boundaries of what it means to be human, we need to ensure that individuals have the right to make informed decisions about augmenting their bodies and minds. It's all about personal autonomy and making sure that we respect people's choices, even if those choices involve attaching robot arms to their bodies.


2.  Equity and Access


While augmentation has the potential to level the playing field and enhance human capabilities, we need to consider the equity and access issues that arise. Not everyone has the same resources or opportunities to explore augmentation technologies, and we must ensure that these advancements don't further widen existing social and economic disparities. Equal opportunity for all, cyborgs included.


3.  Privacy and Security


With great technology comes great concerns about privacy and security. Augmentation technologies can collect vast amounts of personal data, and we must safeguard that information from falling into the wrong hands (looking at you, evil mastermind hackers). Balancing the benefits of data-driven augmentation with the need for privacy and security is crucial for building a trustworthy and ethical future.

In conclusion, augmentation is the exciting frontier where humanity and technology collide. With its potential to enhance our physical and mental capabilities, improve healthcare, and create immersive virtual experiences, augmentation offers both thrilling opportunities and important ethical considerations. So, grab your power suit and virtual reality goggles, because the future is now, my friends.



Challenges and Limitations of Augmentation


1.  Technological Limitations


Augmentation, with all its promises, still faces certain technological limitations. For instance, while we have made significant strides in developing prosthetic limbs, there is still work to be done in terms of achieving the same level of functionality and dexterity as natural limbs. Similarly, brain-computer interfaces, although impressive, are still in their early stages and have room for improvement in terms of speed, accuracy, and usability. Overcoming these technological challenges will require continued research and innovation.


2. Social and Psychological Challenges


The integration of augmentation into society raises social and psychological challenges. Augmented individuals may face stigma and discrimination from those who view their enhancements as unnatural or unfair advantages. Moreover, there may be psychological implications for individuals who feel pressured to augment themselves in order to keep up with societal expectations. It is important to address these challenges by promoting inclusivity, education, and open dialogue to foster a more accepting and understanding society.


3.  Economic Implications


Augmentation technologies, particularly those related to healthcare, can be costly. This poses economic challenges, as not everyone may have equal access to these advancements. This can further exacerbate existing socio-economic inequalities. Additionally, the widespread adoption of certain augmentations may lead to job displacement, as automation and AI become more prevalent. It is crucial for governments and organizations to consider these economic implications and work towards ensuring equitable access and providing support for those affected.



Future Trends in Augmentation


1.  Advancements in Augmentation Technologies


The future of augmentation holds great promise as we continue to witness rapid advancements in technology. Researchers are exploring new materials, miniaturization techniques, and innovative designs to create more functional and natural-looking augmentations. We can expect to see improvements in areas such as prosthetics, exoskeletons, implants, and sensory enhancements. These advancements will not only enhance physical abilities but also improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.


2.  Integration with Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being integrated with augmentation technologies, opening up new possibilities. AI can enhance the performance and adaptability of augmentations by learning from user interactions and optimizing their functionality. This integration can lead to more intuitive and personalized experiences, further blurring the line between human and machine. However, it is important to address ethical considerations and ensure that AI augmentation remains under human control and guided by principles that prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals.



Implications of Augmentation on Society


1. Changing Definitions of "Normal"


The widespread adoption of augmentation will challenge societal norms and redefine what is considered "normal." As more individuals choose to enhance their physical and cognitive abilities, the concept of normality will expand, redefining our understanding of human capabilities. This shift calls for a more inclusive and accepting society that embraces diversity in human experiences and abilities.


2.  Impact on the Workforce


Augmentation technologies have the potential to transform our workforce. While they may lead to job displacement in certain sectors, they can also create new opportunities and roles. With the integration of AI, human workers can collaborate with intelligent systems, amplifying their abilities and productivity. To navigate these changes, governments, organizations, and individuals must focus on upskilling, retraining, and creating a supportive environment for workers to adapt to the evolving job market.


3.  Ethical and Legal Frameworks


As augmentation becomes more prevalent, there is a need to establish robust ethical and legal frameworks to protect the rights and well-being of augmented individuals. These frameworks should address issues such as privacy, consent, safety, and equitable access to augmentations. Additionally, discussions on the ethical boundaries of augmentation, including cognitive enhancements and genetic modifications, need to involve a wide range of stakeholders to ensure responsible and balanced decision-making.



Conclusion: Embracing the Potential of Augmentation


In conclusion, augmentation holds immense potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From enhancing our physical abilities to expanding our cognitive capacities, augmentation technologies offer incredible possibilities for human advancement. However, as we embrace the promise of augmentation, it is crucial to navigate the ethical considerations and address the challenges that arise. By fostering an inclusive and responsible approach, we can harness the power of augmentation to create a future that enhances human potential while preserving our values and ensuring equity. With careful considerations and thoughtful implementation, augmentation can truly usher in a new era of human capabilities and pave the way for a more empowered and interconnected society.

Schedule Breast Augmentation
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