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Orlando Plastic Surgery Facial Liposuction

Facial Liposuction, also known as Face & Neck Liposuction, or Cervicofacial liposuction, is performed to gently reduce fat deposits on the chin, cheek, and neck. 

People typically turn to this procedure because these areas are extremely resistant to any effects of dieting and exercise. However, this treatment allows you to remove those fatty deposits by surgically removing them.


Read more about Chin Lipo if you are interested in this specific procedure.


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Orlando Plastic Surgery - Facial Liposuction Procedure model image

Sculpting Elegance: The Art of Facial Liposuction

Are you yearning for a more defined and sculpted facial profile?


Facial Liposuction may be the transformative solution you've been seeking. This cosmetic procedure, designed to remove excess fat from the face and neck, can enhance your natural features, restore youthful contours, and boost your confidence. Explore the world of Facial Liposuction and discover how this artistic procedure can unveil a more refined version of yourself.

Understanding Facial Liposuction:

Facial Liposuction is a surgical technique that aims to reshape and contour the face by removing localized pockets of excess fat. It is particularly effective in addressing areas such as the chin, neck, and jawline, where stubborn fat deposits accumulate over time. This procedure eliminates unwanted fat and enhances the overall harmony and balance of facial features.

Indications for Facial Liposuction:

  1. Double Chin (Submental Fat): Excess fat beneath the chin, commonly known as a double chin, can be a source of frustration for many. Facial Liposuction precisely targets and removes this submental fat, resulting in a more defined and streamlined neck and jawline.

  2. Jowls and Jawline Definition: As we age, the skin's elasticity diminishes, and jowls and a less defined jawline develop. Facial Liposuction can effectively address these concerns by sculpting the lower face, restoring a more youthful and lifted appearance.

  3. Facial Harmony: Sometimes, localized fat deposits can create imbalance and disrupt the overall facial harmony. Facial Liposuction allows for targeted fat removal, restoring balance and proportion to the face.

  4. Enhanced Facial Features: By removing excess fat, Facial Liposuction accentuates the natural contours of the face, highlighting features such as cheekbones and improving facial symmetry.

The Facial Liposuction Process:

  1. Consultation: Your journey begins with a detailed consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in facial procedures. You will discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations during this consultation. The surgeon will assess your facial anatomy, skin quality, and overall health to determine the most suitable approach for Facial Liposuction.

  2. Surgical Technique: Facial Liposuction involves making small, discreet incisions through which a thin cannula is inserted to suction out excess fat gently. The surgeon carefully sculpts the targeted areas, ensuring precision and natural-looking results. Depending on individual factors and preferences, the procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia.

  3. Recovery and Post-Operative Care: Following Facial Liposuction, a brief recovery period is typically required. Patients are advised to follow post-operative care instructions, including wearing a compression garment to minimize swelling and promote optimal healing. While some swelling and bruising are normal initially, these effects gradually subside, revealing the final, refined facial contours.

Choosing the Right Surgeon:

Selecting a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. like Dr. Kamran Azad is paramount in achieving the desired results with Facial Liposuction. Research the surgeon's credentials, review before-and-after photos, and seek testimonials from previous patients to ensure you are in capable hands.

The Art of Facial Transformation:

Facial Liposuction is not just a procedure; it's an art form that requires precision, skill, and an understanding of facial aesthetics. The goal is not to erase individuality but to enhance and reveal the unique beauty that lies within. By choosing Facial Liposuction, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, allowing your true radiance to shine through.


Embrace the transformative power of Facial Liposuction and unveil a more sculpted and refined version of yourself. Whether you desire a more defined jawline, a sleeker neck, or enhanced facial features, this procedure can be your key to unlocking newfound confidence. Consult a qualified and compassionate plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and take the first step toward achieving the facial harmony and elegance you've always desired. Sculpt your beauty, sculpt your confidence—experience the art of Facial Liposuction today.

Schedule Facial Liposuction
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