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Lipo 360 Orlando Plastic Surgery Procedures

Lipo 360 can take several inches off your appearance and dramatically reduce your waistline. Lipo 360 is well-suited for those who want to achieve a leaner and fitter silhouette and it is performed to complement the natural shape and contours of your body. Lipo 360 sounds exactly like what it is, 360º circumferential liposuction of the body, 

  • Liposuction of the Upper Back (reduction of bra rolls)

  • Liposuction of the Lower Back/Flanks (reduction of 'love handles')

  • Liposuction of the Abdomen

Since Lipo 360 involves removing bulges and excess fat, it is a good match for those who cannot get rid of those last unwanted stores of fat through diet and exercise alone. The Lipo 360 is a total body sculpting and reshaping procedure that results in a significant reduction of the waistline and can change the entire upper body. You may be a good candidate for the Lipo 360 if you:

  • Are at a healthy weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • Want to achieve improved body contours and a flat stomach?

  • Are interested in a long-lasting change to your figure.

Read more details on Lipo 360 in Orlando


If you have questions about Lipo 360 or would like to request a consultation at Dr. Azad’s office in Orlando, please fill out the form below.

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Sculpting Perfection: Unveiling the Artistry of Lipo 360

Are you aspiring to achieve a sculpted, toned body that radiates confidence from every angle?

Lipo 360, a comprehensive body contouring procedure, promises to redefine your silhouette and provide a transformative experience. In this guide, we delve into the intricacies of Lipo 360, exploring how this revolutionary technique can enhance your natural beauty and elevate your self-assurance.


Understanding Lipo 360:

Lipo 360, short for liposuction 360 degrees, is a cutting-edge body contouring procedure designed to target and remove excess fat from multiple areas around the torso. Unlike traditional liposuction, which focuses on isolated regions, Lipo 360 addresses the entire midsection, including the abdomen, flanks, and lower back, to create a harmonious and sculpted physique.

Indications for Lipo 360:

  1. Comprehensive Body Contouring: Lipo 360 is ideal for individuals seeking a holistic transformation of their midsection. Whether you desire a flatter abdomen, contoured flanks, or a more defined lower back, Lipo 360 can address these areas in a single procedure.

  2. Achieving an Hourglass Figure: This procedure is prevalent among those aiming for an hourglass figure, as Lipo 360 removes excess fat and sculpts the waistline, creating a more defined and feminine silhouette.

  3. Customized Sculpting: One critical advantage of Lipo 360 is its ability to be customized to suit individual body contours and aesthetic goals. The surgeon tailors the procedure to address specific areas of concern, ensuring a personalized and natural-looking result.

  4. Enhancing Muscle Definition: Lipo 360 removes stubborn fat and accentuates the natural contours of underlying muscles. This can result in a more toned and athletic appearance, improving the visibility of abdominal muscles and creating a sculpted look.

The Lipo 360 Process:

  1. Consultation: Your Lipo 360 journey begins with an in-depth consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this meeting, you will discuss your goals, medical history, and concerns. The surgeon will assess your body contours, skin elasticity, and overall health to determine the most suitable approach for your Lipo 360 procedure.

  2. Surgical Technique: Lipo 360 is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes small incisions strategically placed in inconspicuous areas. A thin cannula is inserted through these incisions to suction out excess fat gently. The surgeon sculpts the targeted areas to achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing result.

  3. Recovery and Post-Operative Care: Following the procedure, a brief recovery period is essential for optimal healing. Patients are advised to follow post-operative care instructions, including wearing a compression garment to minimize swelling and support healing. While some swelling and bruising are normal initially, these effects gradually subside, revealing the final, sculpted body contours.

Choosing the Right Surgeon:

Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Kamran Azad, is crucial for achieving optimal results with Lipo 360. Research the surgeon's credentials, review before-and-after photos, and seek testimonials from previous patients to ensure you are in capable hands.

Sculpting Your Confidence:

Lipo 360 is more than a procedure; it's an artistic endeavor to sculpt your confidence and unveil your natural beauty. By choosing Lipo 360, you embark on a transformative journey beyond removing excess fat – it's about revealing the best version of yourself.


Experience the artistry of Lipo 360 and sculpt a body that reflects your confidence and vitality. If you are considering comprehensive body contouring to enhance your midsection, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to explore the possibilities of Lipo 360. Rediscover the joy of a sculpted silhouette and embrace the transformative power of this advanced body contouring technique. Sculpt perfection, sculpt confidence – Lipo 360 awaits to redefine your beauty.

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Plastic Surgery Orlando 
Liposuction 360 Procedures

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